Netcomm Forum 2024

How to boost your conversion

How to boost your conversion

All in one for your success: site search, merchandising, recommendations, and personalization 

Tweakwise is the most complete ecommerce SaaS solution for conversion rate optimization. The software contains four distinct solutions for various aspects of a webshop: site search, merchandising, recommendations, and personalization

Designed for ecommercemanagers 

The Tweakwise app is made with end users in mind, so ecommerce managers and merchandisers can easily use it to optimize their shops with low effort. Tweakwise is ready to go after the initial implementation and requires no further technical knowledge from users. With our Javascript implementation, you can be live in as short as three days. 

And it´s that easy: 

  • Sync your product feed into Tweakwiseto get started.

  • Tweakwise then lets you utilize your extensive database of categories, products, properties, and their values to the fullest extent. 

Shopware has enormous potential and has proven so with it's recent growth worldwide.

Site search optimization 

Set up smart search algorithms that prioritize specific properties. Give your visitors real-time search phrase suggestions, suggest categories or push content pages. The auto-correction feature makes sure your customers find what they need, even if they make a typo. Use redirects to guide your visitors to the correct pages and categories. 

Organize your data collection with the Derived Properties feature. This lets you, for example, combine, split, concatenate, divide, or replace values. This allows you to tidy up your properties by, for example, combining multiple shades of blue into one ‘blue’ value to use in filters. 

Merchandising machine 

Create attractive filter facets with links, checkboxes, sliders, and colour boxes that let your visitors easily filter your product range. Smart Filters can make filters and automatically sort values based on usage, among many other useful and effective features. Use the properties of your products to set up smart sorting methods, using weighed or linear formulas to incorporate anything from Google Analytics data to margin in your sorting options. Take it a step further, and incorporate properties into your product listings, for example, putting a new product on every 5th position or promoting discounted products in your category pages. 

I see a lot of engagement regarding Shopware within our partner ecosystem.

Increase your Average Order Value 

Display prominent and influential product recommendation galleries for your customers to increase your average order values. Offer complimentary or alternative products based on properties.  

Take it to the highest level with the personalization solution. It allows you to incorporate user data such as last viewed, recently bought, and other components into your lister page, sorting and recommendations. Using these features creates a dynamic and personalized shopping experience your visitors won’t forget. 

Are you in our sweet spot? 

Tweakwise is best suited for your shop if you fall into the range of 500 – 1.000.000 products/SKU on your Shopware 6 platform. Get the most out of your and your customers’ data by using Tweakwise’s smart Wisdom of the Crowd technology to your advantage. 

Boost conversion with more than 15% 

Using Tweakwise will ensure a conversion rate increase of at least 15%. Your improved filtering and sorting make for such a smooth shopping experience that the NPS score of your shop will drastically increase. Improve the relevance of your shop and give your visitors an intuitive and personal experience with Tweakwise’s four solutions. 

Perfect service for long-term Customer Success 

Tweakwise offers complimentary onboarding training by one of our specialists, as well as a comprehensive e-learning series. After the initial implementation, regular checkups will make sure you’re getting the most out of your Tweakwise configuration.