Winter is not gone completely, but days are already getting longer. People have invested a lot of time in creating new great contributions about Shopware for the community, which we are very happy to share and present. Big applause and thanks to all active community members for that. Donate likes, shares, stars or share the content with others, if you like it.
You might think, that the quantity of contributions did decrease, but please keep in mind, that this is the first monthly edition of the community digest. Before we only have summarized everything in two months iterations. Based on that the next digest will be presented beginning of march.
We are also very happy about the massive attendance of a lot of community members on our boostday #9 “Check the stack” on the 20. January 2023. Almost 50 open questions have been answered. Thanks to all attendees for their outstanding work.
If we missed any content, you might drop us an email at community@shopware.com in the future, in case you created something, which would be interesting for other developers as well.
Recent Blog Post
Managing Translations in Shopware 6 with PHPUnuhi by Christian Dangl
The Shopware 6 Interfaces Guide by EXWE
Shopware 6 – Writing a simple app by Ninja Army (Joschi)
Shopware 6 Apps by Ninja Army (Joschi)
Shopware vs Magento 2 Performance Testing in 2023 by dinarys
Official PWA for Shopware 6: How to make Your Customers Go WOW in 2023 by dinarys
What is Shopware by Talk Commerce
Brands Take the Wheel: Why the Next Industrial Revolution will be AI-Driven by retailtouchpoints
Web Font Optimization – Introduction by machs.space
Web Font Optimization – Variable fonts by machs.space
Web Font Optimization – Subsetting Fonts by machs.space
How to Install Shopware on Ubuntu 22.04 by RoseHosting
A Week of Symfony #838 by Symfony
Newsletter extensions for Shopware: the best of the best! by Shop Studio
Optimize Shopware for Google Images search by Shop Studio
Shopware: Landingpage outside of Shopware and “add to cart” by winkelwagen
Shopware and Pimcore Combined: Effective Multichannel Sales by Tandemite
A comprehensive comparison of eCommerce platforms: Shopware vs Sylius vs OroCommerce by BitBag
Shopware SEO: what you need to consider by SEOKRATIE (german)
Best 10 podcast episodes for web developers 2022 by Nils Langner (german)
Shopware 6, API-First and Headless Commerce by communicode (german)
The big Shopware 6 SEO guide: 12 tips for a better ranking by ATLOSS (german)
Information about Shopware technologies by solution25 (german)
Shopware 6.5 by Matthias Zeis (german)
Remarkable code contributions
World first search engine for Shopware 6 events by uniqueweb
Tiny Google Sitemap for Shopware by TmCrafz
Upcoming Community Events
21.02.2023 Shopware Meetup Bremen / Bremen - Germany
22.02.2023 Shopware Meetup Munich / Munich - Germany
23.02.2023 Shopware Meetup Rhine-Main / Bad Nauheim - Germany
22.-24.03.2023 Hackathon in Cologne / Cologne - Germany
24.-26.03.2023 Shopware Community Unconference / Cologne - Germany
25.05.2023 Shopware Community Day / Duisburg - Germany
01.09.2023 E-Commerce BBQ 2023 / Bielefeld - Germany
Upcoming exhibitons/events with Shopware presence
23.02.2023 E-commerce Expo 2023 / Berlin - Germany
27.02.-02.03.2023 eTail Palm Springs 2023 / Palm Springs - USA
26.-29.03.2023 Shoptalk US / Las Vegas - USA
19.-20.03.2023 Webwinkel Vakdagen / Utrecht - Netherlands
17.-18.05.2023 Netcomm Forum / Milan - Italy
31.08.2023 Multichannelday / Cologne - Germany
Shopware Ecommerce Platform Strategy Update & Roadmap review 2023 by RE:PLATFORM
How to: Cancel Plugin & App Subscriptions – Shopware 6 Tutorial by Shop Studio
What´s new in Shopware 6.5? by basecom (german)
#29 Shopware agency market perspective with Edin Dedagic @WEBversiert by shopwareunplugged
Shopware On Their Platform Strategy and Roadmap by RE:PLATFORM
Content created by Shopware
Feature focus: customer-specific pricing
The Shopware Premium Theme "Emporium"
The Shopware Premium Theme "Elle"
The Shopware Premium Theme "Shape"
The Shopware Premium Theme “Showroom”
Digital Sales Rooms (Shopware 6 Tutorial EN)
Digital Sales Rooms (Shopware 6 Tutorial) (german)
The Migration from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6 (Tutorial EN)
Die Migration von Shopware 5 zu Shopware 6 (Tutorial DE) (german)
Dear community members, there is one thing we don't really understand. We have an extremely popular Shopware Developer Slack channel with currently almost 6,800 members. In contrast, there are only just under 2,100 followers on our Shopware Developer Twitter account. And that's despite the fact that we regularly report red-hot information via Twitter. Therefore, it would be great if you follow us on Twitter as well. We are looking forward to see you there.