Shoptoberfest 2024
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Thank you community for an amazing 2022!

Thank you community for an amazing 2022!

Dear Community,

A year full of adventures is coming to an end. Together with you, we have experienced, achieved, and learned a lot. Thank you all for your support, your honest words, your ideas, time, appreciation, warmth, and humor! All of you together make this community such a great place.

Even though community and its value are so much more than numbers, it's still fun to look at what has actually happened over the course of a year:


We are now more than 6500 slack users in our community channel. Over 50,000 messages have been written in 57 different channels. Not unexpectedly, the most active channel is #shopware6. By the way, the best chance for an answer is between 10 and 11 a.m. (CET), when most messages are written.

Stack Overflow

This year, together we have managed to increase the activity significantly. Before the summer, we averaged around 20 questions a month, but now we have between 60 and 102! We have collected 1313 questions, 2/3 of which have also been answered. That's exciting and a tremendous motivation to increase this even more in 2023.


We have reached over 2000 GitHub Stars this year! A total of 149 contributors worked with us on Shopware 6. The most successful month was, of course, Hacktober. You created 388 PRs, 78 of them in October alone. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you!


Shopware 6 can now be displayed in 42 languages. In concrete terms, this means that 42,737 have been translated to date. That sounds remarkable, and it is! Again, a huge thank you to all the persistent translators from the community!


Even though events were a bit of a challenge again this year, we had a great SCD together. Finally, together again and on location. Not only did we award the Shopware Community "Wanderpokal" for the first time, but we also heard many great and educational talks. There was also a Boost Day in September, which took place simultaneously online and in Schöppingen.

2023 Spoilers

What do we have planned for you next?

  • A new BoostDay is in the pipeline. This time it's about stack overflow.

  • The RC phase for 6.5 will start at the beginning of the year.

  • On May 25th, we want to experience another great Shopware Community Day with you.

  • We will work a lot on Shopware frontends

  • Check the Stack: there will be a new format around stack overflow


In addition, there will be a raffle on Twitter in the next few days. If you participate, you can win one of 5 surprise packages.

Thank you for a great year! We are so looking forward to an exciting 2023 with you.

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