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Shopware 6 release news: Discover the new features in September 2024

Shopware 6 release news: Discover the new features in September 2024

This September, we're excited to bring you the latest updates from Shopware! Discover new features in Shopware Analytics, explore the Sales Agent for B2B, and see how we've improved digital accessibility. Dive into the details in the sections below.


Release news general updates clean blue

Shopware Analytics update: Fresh KPIs and enhanced user experience

Shopware Analytics – essential shop KPIs

With Shopware Analytics, you can easily keep track of key shop metrics and gain valuable insights to boost your business success. We're constantly improving this extension, and there have been several enhancements since last month. Check out the latest updates:

  • New KPI: Sales by country

  • New KPI: Top-Selling products

  • Improved user experience

Remember, Shopware Analytics is an independent extension that updates automatically, so you don't have to worry about version compatibility. Get it for free today!

We also want to extend a big thank you for all the great feedback and suggestions we've received from our users through our feedback portal. Keep them coming!

Release news Developer news clean blue

Improvements in digital accessibility

With Shopware, we have implemented several important enhancements to increase accessibility in the Shopware storefront, making it easier for all users.

Screen reader improvements for product lists and filters

We've added new include parameters to our list and filter components in the storefront to improve usability with screen readers. For example, we added the 'ariaLabel' attribute to all filter components. This attribute helps better describe the purpose of the filter for screen reader users, making navigation easier.

Improved accessibility for slider elements

We've also made adjustments to slider and gallery elements in the storefront to enhance accessibility. These include:

  • Hiding cloned elements from screen readers to minimize confusion.

  • Keeping the focus element always in view to facilitate navigation with the tab key.

  • Disabling the native browser scroll function on focused elements so the slider functionality can be fully utilized.

Additional storefront adjustments

We've made several other tweaks to improve digital accessibility, such as refining the registration form and enhancing text scalability. These changes are designed to make our platform more accessible and user-friendly for all.

More updates

Beyond the accessibility enhancements, Shopware brings several other updates that developers will find valuable. For a full rundown of everything that’s new, be sure to check out the release notes.

Release news Commercial features & services news clean blue

This section is about features that are not included in the Community Edition. Take a look at our overview to compare the different Shopware plans and activate the Shopware Commercial extension to use the commercial features.

Sales Agent – efficient sales management and centralized control for B2B processes

The Sales Agent is a cutting-edge tool within the B2B Components suite, designed to centralize all sales activities in one place. It offers a tailored overview of customer interactions, appointment scheduling, and the creation of quotes and orders, all while seamlessly integrating with existing CRM systems and communication tools like Outlook. The key benefit is its flexibility to adapt to the unique requirements of any B2B sales team, allowing for a swift and successful rollout without the need for complex onboarding.


How to integrate the Sales Agent

To set up the Sales Agent in your Shopware environment, you'll need a developer’s help, as the tool relies on Shopware Frontends and Nuxt. The source code for the Sales Agent is housed in a private repository within Shopware's external GitLab organization.

Getting access to the GitLab repository

We offer customers and partners access to our commercial extensions via a private GitLab repository. To gain access to one or more private repositories, customers or partners need to open a support ticket through their Shopware account. The ticket should include:

  • Your GitLab username(s)

  • The repositories you are requesting access to

Please note that access to a repository is only granted if the customer holds a valid license or an appropriate plan (in this case, Evolve or Beyond).

Current development status

The Sales Agent is continuously evolving, with new features being added to further streamline the sales process and boost efficiency. The initial release of the Sales Agent already includes several fundamental features:

Currently available with the Sales Agent:

Login & registration for sales agents:

  • Architectural basics

  • Ability to add an account for sales representatives (only via the backend)

  • Login functionality for sales representatives

Customer management:

  • Overview of all customers

  • Detailed view of specific customers

Order creation:

  • Ability to create orders on behalf of customers

  • Access to order details

Assignment of customers to sales representatives:

  • Display of assigned customers

  • Changes to the assignment of all customers or specific customers can be made in the backend

Sales Agent customer information-1800x1200-px-Max-Quality

Sales representatives can add notes within the customer details to keep track of important information.

Discover how Shopware's Sales Agent, together with Digital Sales Rooms, is transforming B2B sales with a customer-centric approach.

Release News More information & download clean blue

We wish you lots of fun and success with the latest version of Shopware.

Release News Credits clean blue

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all GitHub contributors for their pull requests that have been incorporated into this version. 💙

Nicky Gerritsen
Simone Alers
Justus Maier.png
Elias Lackner
Gecolay - Credits
tinect - Credits
Philipp Zabel
Sven Münnich
Max - Credits
Marcus Müller
Carlo Cecco