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How to create unique user experiences

How to create unique user experiences

In online retail, user experience and usability are essential to create an optimal shopping experience. A good UX design is crucial for this. We show you what is important when designing your online shop - using online shops based on Shopware 6.

Shopware TV: Your update

Shopware TV: Your update

A great deal has happened on the infotainment platform since Shopware TV started almost six months ago. Our series “New Kid in Town” and “{DEV}initely” have been a complete success. Are you excited to find out what’s next? In this blog article, you ...

Markenanmeldung – so geht’s

Markenanmeldung – so geht’s

Marken haben in der Wirtschaft längst einen hohen Stellenwert. Spielst auch Du mit dem Gedanken eine Marke anzumelden? Unser Partner IT-Recht Kanzlei erklärt Dir in diesem Beitrag, worauf es bei der Anmeldung einer Marke ankommt, warum ...

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